Saturday, July 31, 2010


Nichiren makes it clear that the true Gohonzon is within oneself and chanting Daimoku is the key to releasing its power. The driver of the positive changes that occur is faith. We all treat the concept of faith differently. A childlike faith is very powerful indeed. It is total belief with no contradiction. At the other end of the scale is the person for whom faith is not possible without convincing scientific evidence that is highly supportive. Amongst these people are those for whom faith is impossible - or so they think. The most absolute sceptic, whose mind is closed to anything that implies some effectiveness to belief, or faith, will still exhibit the placebo effect when given medication. Placebo is faith in action. And the scientific evidence is irrefutable.

For people who like some scientific evidence for the effectiveness of faith I recommend Herbert Benson's book, "Timeless Healing".

In the meantime keep on using the spiritual tools of Daimoku and Gohonzon. You cannot go wrong.

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